Essay on Pollution


Essay on Pollution

        Pollution is the price we are paying for modern civilization and material progress. Pollution means making foul or filthy. Pollution is our enemy number one today.  There is all-round pollution everywhere, in the atmosphere, on land, in the seas and rivers. Our air is polluted or made foul by the smoke, gases, and chemicals puffed out by vehicles and factories and by the various chemicals. Besides this, there is noise pollution in big cities resulting from the noise of vehicles, factories, microphones, loudspeakers, and crackers.

         Huge industrial and chemical waste thoughtlessly dumped into our rivers, lake and seas kill fish and other marine life. Polluted water destroys agricultural products. It corrupts the soil and makes it useless. Atomic radiation also pollutes the air and poses terrible health hazards. Unplanned growth of cities brings about more and more slums where dirt, disease, and dying breed. The recent tragedy of Bhopal in which thousands of innocent people lost their lives as a  result of serious air pollution caused by toxic gas leakage is too fresh and fearful to be forgotten. Among our cities, which are getting dangerously polluted each day, maybe mentioned Mumbai. Dehli, Ahmedabad, Calcutta, Chennai. They are on the brink of a total ecological disaster if pollution is not ruthlessly checked.

           Pollution poisons the air and harms the ozone layer of the earth which protects us from the radiation of the sun. If the ozone layer is destroyed. Mankind will perish through the harmful radiation of the sun. We must fight this evil tooth and nail. We must take quick and effective steps to fight pollution. We must reduce vehicularly and find some efficient system of disposing of garbage which is piling up at an alarming rate at so many places in cities. We must stop the dumping of chemical waste into rivers, lakes, and seas. We must grow more trees, protect our dying forests, and have more gardens and open space. Mankind today is on the brink of extinction due to the ever-increasing pollution of all sorts all over the world. The sooner effective steps are taken to avert this tragedy, the better it is for mankind.                         


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