Essay on Newspapers


Essay on Newspapers 

Newspapers form an essential part of modern civilization. To many of us, our morning tea would lose its flavor if it was not accompanied by a newspaper.

                                Any printed matter whose chief function is to supply news is called a newspaper. But we usually refer only to a daily newspaper. The new information which comes from North, East, south, and west is called news. It has some element of novelty. For example. It is said that if a dog bites a man. It is not news, but if a man bites a dog, it is news.

                                Though the primary function of a newspaper is to supply news. It also provides information on a variety of subjects like the government, politics, science, art, business, sports, crimes, fashions, health, child care, food, travel, important social and religious events, etc., in the form of news or feature articles. Most of the newspapers also have an advice column, readers views columns, comic strips, crossword puzzles astrological forecasts, mold, and various entertainment features.

                                Newspapers are called the eyes and ears of the world. They keep people in all parts of the world. They keep people in all parts of the world well informed of the latest developments throughout the world. They provide the latest news,  information about the developments in all branches of knowledge. Investigate and present important events, guide and mold public opinion, serve as a medium for the ventilation of public grievances. Serve as an instrument of social reformation and educate people in citizenship. They act as an instrument of social reformation and educate people in citizenship. They act as the medium of communication between the people and the government. The country is said to have a free press if its newspapers are free from government control and interference. Free Press is not only the best safeguard for democracy but also the essential condition of democracy, the very foundation on which democracy rests and flourishes.

                                In our country,, we are conversant with the crusades of the press against corruption, against the social evils like sati, and against government restriction on the press. We have seen how powerful investigations conducted by the leading dallies have exposed even the corrupt ministers and aroused public indignation to such an extent that some of the ministers and even chief ministers were forced to stepdown, So powerful and effective is the influence of newspapers on public opinion that the press is called the Fourth Estate


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