Essay on Influence of flims or The cinema : Its uses and abuses

Essay on Influence of films or The cinema: Its uses and abuses

                Films have become a part and parcel of our life in modern times. They are accepted as the common form of entertainment. Appeal to the ear was added to the appeal to the eyes when the silent movie became the talkie. Then came the added attraction of the color TV and the video which have brought films into our drawing-room colors ,,.

                Because of the appeal to the eye as well as the car, colours, music, songs and dances, powerful story and the art of histrionics, the films have become a very powerful medium of mass communication and entertainment. They can be used for good or bad purposes.

                Films can be used for providing education and healthy entertainment to the masses. Each film has an element of both education and entertainment. 

                History, geography, science,arts, crafts and many other subjects, skills,films and new techniques can be effectively taught through film. Films provide a lively medium of demonstration also. Learning through flims can be fun. Moreover, a flim can reach thousands or even lakhs of people at a time - a thing no teacher can do.

                Because of their powerful influence, films are being used for advertisement and for propaganda. But with a touch of imagination, such films can be used to provide informations about new products and processes and about the development activities. Films can be used to provide information about new products and processes and about the development activities. Films can be used to arouse people's interest in various development projects and secure their active influence and co-operation in them They can be used to create public opinion against many social evils and outdated customs. 

                Films have a very powerful a  on young and illiterate people. since their minds are most impressionable. They incite unhealthy feelings and thoughts in them and corrupt their minds, They lose the power of judgement between the good and the bad and the capacity to enjoy good things of life. They prefer passive interests. They live in a world of make-believe. Excessive violence shown in a film destroys the tender and finer feelings and brutalizes many. People learn lessons in crime, violence,  and many others evils from films.

                Charmed and deceived by the glamour of becoming films, young and immature people become flim ,-addicts and fans of film heroes or heroines. No wonder we find a film actor or an actress becomming a member of parliament or a chief minister, or even president of a country. In certain parts of India, film fans worship their matinee-idols like gods. Excessive films viewing is habit forming and harmful to the eyes, and health 


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