Easay on Library

 Essay on Library

        A library is not merely a collection or a storehouse of books. It is in fact a treasure house of knowledge. It is the place where knowledge from all quarters of the world lies preserved for the use of future generations.

        The knowledge and wisdom stored in the books are, far more valuable than gold, silver, or precious stones. The ancient Chinese travelers Fa-Hsien and Hsuan-Tsang knew the value of books and therefore. when they returned to their homeland they carried with them this priceless treasure.

        A library is a place where one can come in contact with the mighty minds of the old and share one's joys and sorrows with them. In a modern library, there are books by different authors on diverse subjects. One can pick up the author or the subject of one's choice and enjoys the pleasure of reading. For hours together one can forget the din and bustle of the outside world and be in the company of these never-failing friends ( book ). 

        There are books of all types and topics. There are books for reading and for reference. There are manuscripts of the famous books of the past, documents, Public, and maps. There are newspapers and magazines. Publics libraries are necessary because all the people cannot afford to buy books and periodicals. In cities like Mumbai, people don't have space to keep books even if they can afford to buy them. There are special libraries for special subjects like technology, engineering, mathematics, etc. They are useful to professionals or students pursuing subjects of study.

        In advanced western countries, there are huge public libraries housing millions of books and documents so that more books can be accommodated in less space.

        The cultural level of a people can be judged from the number and quality of their libraries. No country which does not have good libraries can make significant progress. The great socialist thinker Karl Marx wrote his famous book ' Das Capital sitting in the British Museum Library.  


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