Autobiography of a question paper

 Autobiography of a question paper

        Though I am only a piece of paper. I can make or mar the fortunes of millions of students. Some students get nervous at my very sight, some tremble and perspire, while a few rejoice.

        Do you know who I am? I am a question paper. I am the question paper of no mean examination. I am the question paper of the SSC examination.

        The most glorious moment in my life was the handed over to the examinee eagerly waiting for me in the examination hall. In that hall, there were scores of my brothers who were exactly like me. I call them my brothers who were exactly like me. I call them my brothers but they were my facsimiles. Like God,attention I have lakhs of images. From the moment we were handed over to the examinees till the ringing of the final bell we ruled over the hearts and minds of young boys and girls. We demanded and secured their complete atttention. How proud we were when the young boys and girls glanced at us every now and then,!

        I came to the examination hall along with my brothers from the press. When I came to the press from the SSC Board's Office. I was in a manuscript state. At the press I was printed. Since then I have had a better look.  the 

        It was at the SSC Board's Office that I was born a few months before March. Three sets of questions papers were drawn by three different teacher, one of them was selected, sent to teachers the press, printed and handed over to the examinees. I was the lucky one to be selected. 

        I know that my future is not very bright. Now that the examination is over, I am afraid I shall be thrown into a dustbin or sold to the waste paper merchant (Raddiwala ). At best I may be filed, and I may lie in a rack or cupboard for months or even, for years before I am lucky enough to be an object of human glance. I am told that white ants are more fond than even the students, of question papers like me. I am awaiting my fate with great anxiety and fear.  



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