9th std English unit test 2019

                                  9th std English unit test 2019                              
                                                      Section - I
                                                Language Study                                                          (10)
Q 1 A) Simple Questions                                   
        1) Pick out eh Infinitive --- I asked her to come             (1)
        2) Use the given phrase in your own sentence        Handed over    (1)
        3) Spot the error     A) They were dropped off at their door.            (1)
        4 ) Write the following words in alphabetical order      (1)  
             Stuttered, treasure, strange, tormented             

Q 1 B) Medium questions                                                                                           (4)
        1) use the following word in two separate sentences      (2)
        2) Mathilde saw some bracelets. ( Change to simple future tense )

Q 1 C) Challenging questions                                                                                     (2)
             Use the word 'Wish" as a noun & a Verb in two separate sentences.

                                                   Section - II Textual Passage 

Q 2) Read the following passage & do the activities                                                (5) 
A1) Who said to whom 
     a) "what! ...............how!..........That's impossible !"
     b) "What's the matter?

                       The day of the party arrived. Madame Loisel was a success. She was prettier than all other women, elegant, gracious, smiling, and full of joy. She danced wildly, with passion forgetting everything in the triumph of her beauty and success, floating in a cloud of happiness.   Mathilde and her left at about four o'clock in the morning.  When they are finally dropped off at their door in the Rue des Martyrs, and sadly, it was all over, for her. In front of the mirror, she took a final look at herself in all her glory. But suddenly she uttered a cry. She had no longer had the necklace around her neck!
"What is the matter ?" asked her husband. She turned towards him, panic-stricken, " I have .....I have... I no longer have Madame Forestier's necklace." He stood up, Distraught, "What !....... how !.... That's impossible. 

A 2) Pick out four adverbs ending in '-ly ' from the passage.          (1)
A 3) Write the adverb form of the following                                    (1)
       a) pretty                      b) gracious 
A 4) She threw her arms around her friend's neck. (Pick out the subject and Predicate )
A 5) Personal response 
          Write what you think about the following action of Mathilde.
          Mathilde lost the necklace

                                                       Section - III Poetry 

Q 3) Write the Appreciation for the poem ' Life ' written by ' Charlotte Bronte '    (5)
Q 4) Write the summary for the given passage                       ( 5)

                         Just how and why do foods spoils? Why does fish go rotten, butter turns rancid milk sour, and pears sleepy? Basically, there are two means by which food spoilage occurs.  One is by the growth of microorganisms on the outside, and the other is by chemical changes on the inside. Microorganisms such as yeasts, molds, and bacteria are always present in the air around us. They settle on food and if the conditions are right begin to break it down.  Some yeasts tend to make food ferment.  They change sugar into alcohol, which then turns into acid, making the food taste sour.  Molds tend to grow on moist foods. You have probably seen the greenish-colored mold on bread and cheese.  It starts as tiny white spores and grows into a greenish mass, on the surface at first and then gradually right through. The food develops a musty taste. The sour and musty foods are not necessarily harmful. But some kinds of bacteria spoilage can be dangerous.  Certain bacteria produce toxins that cause food poisoning. the worst thing about them is that they may be present even where there are no outward signs of decay. Botulism is the most deadly form of food poisoning of this kind.  It is almost always fatal. But the toxins are destroyed by cooking, as are most toxins. Chemical spoilage may occur as a result of several processes.  Contract with the air oxidizes foods, such as butter, which contain fats and oils and makes them rancid. Substances called enzymes, which are present in all living things are responsible for food spoilage, too. Their action, if limited, is beneficial. For example, they act on meat to make it more tender. 

                                                       Section - V   Writing skills
Q 5) Letter - Writing
         You have been staying in a hostel for quite a long time now. You are missing your mother. Write              a letter to her            (5)

Q 6) Dialogue Writing 
         Write a dialogue between a grandfather & grandson about changes in modern times.   (5) 

Q 7 ) Speech - Writing 
          Write a speech on " Save Water " to be delivered in assembly      (5)

Q 8) Expand the theme        ( 5)
        Life is a game

Q 9 ) Story - Writing           (5)
         Develop a story with the following ending. 
          ......................... ................................... To get rid of the habit. 


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