std 9th Geography Whole portion 2020

Q. 1 Write the correct option : (1 marks each)
1. The distribution of population is shown by __________ method.
  a) Dot          b) Choropleth             c) Isopleth          d) Isolines
2. The __________ growth gets a boost due to transportation.
 a) Physical                 b) Culture        c) Economic        d) Political
3. ____________ is a major property of the sea water.
 a) Temprerature         b) Uniform salinity        c) Buoyancy       d) Equal density
4. _________ economy means making the country's economy aligned with world economy.
a) Liberalisation             b) Privitisation    c) Globalisation       d) None of these

Q. 2     Match the following ( 1 marks each)
1. Snowflakes                                a) upward air flow
2. Hailstones                                  b) sublimation
3. Dew                                           c) microscopic water particles floating in the air
4. Fog                                            d) condensation on cold objects

B. Which method will you use for the following information : ( 1 marks each)
1. Distribution of the altitude of the land in the district.
2. Distribution of domestic animals in the state.

Q. 3 Answer in one sentence : ( 1 Marks each )
1. What is solifluction ?
2. What is an Economy ?
3. What is retail trade ?
4. National Highways near your area.
5. Services available in post offices.

Q. 4 Give geographical reasons : ( 3 Marks each )
1. Glaciers have a low velocity.
2. Oxidation process occurs in heavy rainfall area.
3. 'Tourism is an invisible trade ' Give reason.

Q. 5 Answer in detail : ( 4 Marks each)
1. Advantages of Amenities in urban area.
2. While crossing the IDL, What changes will you make ?
3. Explain the environmental effects of tourism.
4. Newspapers are used for communication. Explain the statement.


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