Std 9 English first term exam

English std 9 
section -1 
Language Study
Q 1 Simple Questions
1 write two compound words of your own.
2 Make a meaningful sentence using the phrase - to follow the advice
3 Arrange these words in alphabetical order - wooden, walls, terror, tower
4 Spot the error and correct the sentence - Paris himself were killed,also by a poisoned arrow.
5 Pick out a present participle infinitive from the given sentence
- The valleys were fertile with corn growing in the fields.
6 Identify the type of sentence
- The Greeks are gone and the walls are no longer necessary
7 Find out two hidden words form the word 'hospitality'
8 Pick out the verb form the following that forms its parts past participle by doubling the last letter
- nail, cut, bit, rot
Q 2 Medium questions
1 Make a word chain of four more abstract nouns  - revenge
2 Use the word 'peak' & its homophone in two separate sentences
3 The Trojans fought hard ( use the past perfect progressive tense of the verb )
4 Prepare a word register related to 'war'

Q 1 B Challenging Question
1 Use the word "force' as a noun and a verb in two separate sentences 
2 The Trojans too  fought hard and the siege continued for ten long years ( pick out the clauses and write the type of sentence )
Section - II
Textual passage
Q 2 Read the following passage and do the activities
a) Write True or False                                                        2
1 The Trojans were unprepared for the attack
2 Hector's mother and wife were killed
3 Helen regretted her action of leaving her husband
4 King Menelous was unforgivning

Troy was filed with the sight of leaping flames and the sound of shouting and the nosie of weapons and the cries of weeping women. The sleeping Trojans sprang out of their beds, but they were taken by surprise.  Their enemies were killed before they could put on their armour and seize their weapons.
 A bright light lit up the night sky as palaces and houses, temples and towers, went up in flames. The Trojans fought as well as they could, but it was all in vain. Old king Priam was killed with all his brave sons, Hector's wife and his old mother and sister were carried off as slaves by the conquerors. Their fate was in contrast to Helen's when King Menelaus rushed through the city, looking for her and found her in her palace. She hung her head in shame and sorrow as she faced her former husband. Her voice was choked with emotion and she could not speak. But Menelaus forgave her and she went back with him, for it was only Aphrodite who had turned her heart away form her home and her husband and her child.
When morning come, nothing was left of the proud. rich city that had resisted attack for ten years.

b) what disressing sounds and sights could be witnessed at Troy, that fateful night          2
c) Write the adjective forms of
1 Forgave
2 shame
3 palace
4 emotion

d) Do as directed
1 Troy was filled with the sight of leaping flames and the sound of shouting ( pick out the
non -finites )
2 A bright light lit up the night sky as palaces and houses went up in flames ( make past perfect
 tense )

e) How could the fall of Troy been avoided ?

Section III
Q 3 Write the Appreciation for the poems given in a paragraph form

How you ever seen ....... ?

How you ever seen a sheet on a river bed ?
or a single hair from a hammer's head ?
Has the foot of a mountain any toes ?
And us there a pair of garden hose ?

Does the needle ever wink its eye ?
Why doesn't the wing of a building fly ?
Can you tickle the ribs of a parasol ?
Or open the trunk of a tree at all ?

Are the teeth of a rake ever going to bit ?
Have the hands of a clock any left or right ?
Can the garden plot be deep ad dark ?
And what is the sound of the birch"s bark ?

Q 4 Read the following poem and answer the questions
A Complete the following
 a) One should bear the day of trial ____________ and __________
 b) The wings of hope are _______________ and ____________

What though death at times steps in,
And calls our Best away ?
What though Sorrow seems to win,
O'er hope a heavy sway ?

Yet Hope again elastic springs,
Unconquered, though she fell,
Still buoyant are her golden wings,
Still strong to bear us well.

Manfully, fearlessly,
The day of trial bear,
For gloriously, victoriously,
Can courage quell despair !

Section IV Non - Textual Passage

Q 5 Read the passage carefully and complete the activites
A) Complete the following
1. In the ________ century people went to bed as soon as it was dark.
2. Research has shown that ______________

B) How did the change in our sleeping habits come about ?

Passage :
In the 18th and 19 th century people went to bed early soon after it was dark. They had nothing to do in the evening. Their sleep habits were fixed by the alteration of day and night, light and darkness.
They woke up by daybreak and they could get nine hours of sleep on the average.
 Today the situation has changed. People, especially in the industrialised countries get less than eight hour of sleep per day. Many of them believe that 6 to 6 1/2 hours of sleep is enough for them.
How did this change in our sleep habits come about? One cause was the introuduction of the light bulb. When the electric bulb came into common use, people would work till late in the evening or even past midnight. People began to deprive themselves of sleep, in order to squeeze their busy schedule into the late evening hours. Many factories introduced the shift system by which people work in eight hour cycles by rotation. The human brain cannot adapt easily to a different sleep time and the worker loses sleep.
Million of people today by air across time zones and suffer jet lag in the process. Constant travel robs them of their sleep. Even at other times they have to stay awake,keeping track of market developments all over the world. If they fail to monitor the movements of price in the markets they will be losers.
Radio and television must bear their share of responsibility for depriving people of sleep. Many people get addicted to television and consider themselves compensated for the loss of sleep by being able to watch interesting programes of entertainment or live telecasts of sports or political events in other countries.
Research has shown that the performance of people suffers if they are derived of sleep. They cannot concentrate. They cannot absorb what they are reading. They make mistakes in calculations. Sleep-deprived people cannot stay alert and this can lead to accidents.

Q 3 Give the meaning of    1) adapt                      2) addicted
Q4a)  Constant travel robs them of their sleep ( add a question tag )
b) Their sleep patterns were fixed by the alteration of day and night and darkness ( change the voice )
Q 5 What do you think is the answer to the problem of sleep deprivation ?

Q5 Write the summary for the above given passage and suggest a suitable title.

Q 5 Letter -Writing
a) Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper complaining about the noice pollution durring festivals.
b) Write a letter to thanks your mother on mother's day to show how important is your mother in your life. just to express your gratitude towards her.

Q 6 Interview Questions / Dialogue writing
 a) Dialog writing
write a dialogue between a parent and a teacher in a school on open house.
b) Interview Questions
Sonia Nehwal is playing in common wealth as a reporters of time of India you interact with her abut her achievements  and future plans related to badminton frame a set of 10 questions to cover the interview.

Q 7  Information Transfer
a)  Verbal to Non-verbal
Cat is a friendly inquistive, playful, active loving and independent animal. They are furry with grey or blue eyes. Prepare a web chat showing the characteristics of a cat.
Non verbal - verbal
Given below is the tabular format to provide brief information of the sea squists.  Prepare a paragraph for the same

                                             Information on Sea Squirts
Sr. No            Details                                  Description
1               Nature                  Aquatic animal ( close to human on an evolutionary scale )
2               Original name       Tunicates
3                Nick name           Sea squirts
4                Tendency             To squirts
5                 Features              Looks like rubbery balls, have spina lcords, supporting backbones
                                               and gill slits
6                 Animal               phylum chordata
7                 Fertilisation       Possess both sex organs but are unable to physiologically fertilze on                                                      their own.
8                 Kind of sea       1 Solitary animals. E.g. sea vase and sea potato
                  squirt with         2 Collective sea squirts E.g. sea grapes
                   exanples           3 Star tunicate

Q 6 View / conterview / Speech
 a) View / Conterview
Do you think laptops should be allowed in classroom ? Write your counterview on this topic

Speech writing 
Prepare a speech on 'My Idea of Happy Life ' for on inter-school competition

A 7 Expand the idea or story - writing
1  Practise makes man perfect    or
2 Time and tide waits for none   or

Story writing
Develop a story of your own of 110 words on the proverb 'where is a will these is a way' giving a suitatble tittle and morall 


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