std 8 question paper Geography first term

Q 1. Answer in one sentence : ( mark 1 each )
1. What are Landforms ?
2. What deposits are found in the marine bed ?
3. What are the two parts of the crust ?
4. What is Condensation ?
Q 2. Define the following   (mark 1 each )
a) Relative humidity       b) Ocean floor       c) Continental shelf        d) Local time
Q 3. Give geographical reasons : (mark 2 each )
1. The study of the ocean floor is useful to man.
2. The disposal of waste materials in the oceans by man is harmful to the environment. 
3. The local time is decided by the noon time.
4. The thickness of the crust below the continents is less as compared to oceans.
5. Air becomes saturated.
Q 4. Distinguish between: ( mark 2 mark )
1. Humidity and Clouds
2. Cumulus clouds and Cumulonimbus clouds
3. Local time and Standard Time
4. What are marine oozes ?
5.What will be the relative humidity of air whose absolute humidity is  30 gm/m cube and vapour holding capacity is 50 gm / gm cube
6. If it is 8 pm on 15 October at Prime meridian, write the date and time at 90 E longitude
Q 5 Answer in brief : (mark 3 each )
1. How can man help to stop oceanic pollution ?
2. If it is 12 noon at 75 E longitude, then explain what would be the time at 60 W longitude.
3. what are the different layers of the interior of the earth ?
4. What poses a hazard to the ocean and the sea water ?
5. What is the reason behind the dynamics of the ocean water ?
6. What are the effects of ocean surface currents on human life ?


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