std 7 Geography 1 term

Q 1. Fill in the blanks. ( 1 mark each )
1. At higher altitudes air becomes _________
2. Air pressure is measured in ____
3. Tides are more influenced by the ____ than the sun.
4. The moon revolves around the _______

Q 2. Define           ( 1 mark each )     
a) Isobar         b) Barometer     c) Tsunami

Q 3. Choose the correct options.              ( 1 mark each )
1. When the air expands, it ___________
a) becomes solid               b) becomes thinner
c) gets lost                         d) becomes humid

2. From high air pressure regions, winds _______
a) blow to regions of still higher pressure
b) blow towards regions of low air pressure
c) remain still
d) blow towards region of low air pressure

Q 4. Name the following               ( 1 mark each )
1. South-wet winds that bring rains to the India subcontinent.
2. Winds that bow in the polar region.

Q 5. Identify the types of human settlements                       ( 1 mark each )
a) Shops are located on both the sides of the road.
b) Each house is located away form the other.

Q 6. Answer in short. ( 2 mark each )
1. Explain how human settlements evolved.
2. Why do the cyclonic winds blow in a circular manner ?
3. Explain the natural factors affecting the location of human settlements.

Q 7. Give reasons            ( 2 mark each )
1. Air pressure decreases with increasing altitude.
2. In both the hemispheres air pressure in the polar areas is high.
3. Pressure belts oscillte.

Q 8. State the differences.           ( 2 mark each ) 
1 Hamlet and village.
2. Land breeze and sea breeeze.

Q 9 write short notes                        ( 2 mark each )
1. Horizontal distribution of air pressure.
2. Mid- latitudnal  high pressure belts.

Q 10 Draw and explain a diagrams showing an anticyclone.              ( 3 mark each ) 


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