General Science std 7 Question paper 1 term

Q 1 Fill in blank
1. The amount of matter present in a substance is called _______
2. _________ is the distance traversed by a body in a particular direction in unit time.
3. The earth receives heat form the sun by __________
4.The gravitational force that acts on a mass is called its ____________
5. Maximum heat is absorbed by a _______________ coloured object.
6. Conduction of heat takes place through a ________ substance.

Q 2. State true or false, correct and write the false statements :
1. Sea water is a bad conductor of electricity.
2 Sandy soil has low capacity for holding water.
3. Over cooking of food increases the quality of food.
4.Salt, sugar and oil are naturally avialable preservatives.

Q 3. Define the terms
          a) Displacement        b) Conduction           c) Inertia

Q 4. Give two examples of each of the following :
            a) Bad conductor of heat          b) Fossil fuel         c) Yellow flowers

Q 5. Give reason
1. There is no alternative to water for cleaning purposes.
2. Potatoes and onions are treated with gamma rays.
3. It is not proper to measure quantities by using body parts as units.
4. Dew drops form on the grass in winter.
5. The telephone wires which sag in summer become straight in winter.

Q 6. Differentiate between
1 Jowar and Moong
2. Scalar quantity and Vector quantity

Q 7 Answer the following in brief
1. What precautions will you take to make accurate measurements in day-to - day affairs ?
2. What are the characteristics of a static electric charge ?
3. How does food spoilage occur ? which are the various factors spoiling the food ?
4. How is light scattered by the air ?
5. write any tree medicinal  plants and their uses.

Q 8 Draw and label the following diagram
    a) Parts of flower         b) Gold leaf electroscope

Q 9       Match the following
                                    A                                                              B
                          1.  Velocity                                           a) Metre
                          2.  Area                                                 b) Litre
                          3.  Volume                                            c) Kilogram
                          4.  Mass                                                d) Metre / second
                          5.  Density                                            e) Kilogram / cubic metre
                          6.  Displacement                                  f) Suqare metre


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